January 11, 2023


Ibai fears going blind due to worsened eye condition

Ibai is suffering from a health scare

By Madison Raymond January 11, 2023
Ibai fears going blind due to worsened eye condition 

Spanish Twitch streamer Ibai gives fans a worrying health update, following a diagnosis from health professionals. 

Boasting over 12 million followers on his channel, it makes sense that many admirers  would want to know what’s going on with their favorite streamer. 

On a January 10 live stream, Ibai delivered the news that there is a high chance of him going blind due to a degenerative eye condition. 

"[There’s] a problem in my left eye,"  he began in a verified translation, " I got some news, well, I got a message, from the professionals that treat me, telling me that I might go blind. …the fact that there’s a high chance of me going blind, because apparently, if I have a degenerative problem in my left eye, my right eye will end up with the same problem." 

The streamer also explained that he is experiencing significant vision issues in his left eye, but there's a possibility he can save his right eye if he continues using a sleep apnea machine. 

In the wake of his latest news, the streamer has received intense support as they await for more information. 

 Ibai is just the latest broadcaster to undergo serious health complications, with streamer Buddha notably undergoing emergency brain surgery back in November of last year.