July 03, 2022


BTS Suga's fame comes in way of his ordinary life: Deets Inside

BTS Suga earns fame but at a price

By Betty Cruise July 03, 2022
BTS Suga's fame comes in way of his ordinary life: Deets Inside 

K-pop idol Suga's place in the hall of fame came true, but at a price!

In 2013, the singer dreamt of making music history and wanted to reach heights of popularity with his work. 

At the Episode 5 of show Break the Silence, Suga confessed stuff revealing, " I'm envious of people who do ordinary activities  like going out to eat, that I no longer can do as a public figure." 

He continued, "Some of the members do those activities but I don’t because I don’t have a lot of friends." 

"It’s not easy, so those things feel really special to me. I envy others because of this. You gain as much as you lose, and vice versa. It’s a loss of the ordinary. That’s been the biggest change." 

"What’s ordinary to others is special to me, whereas what’s special to others is very ordinary to me,'' he explained. 

In conclusion, "Before you know it, your set of values for things changes. The way you see the world with your values. That’s when the most ordinary things become significant." 

His entry into the world of music costed him his friends and split him into two people: Jin of BTS and Kim Seokjin.